Tree Huggin' Bacon Luvin'


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Free Stuff

If there's one thing in life that I love, it's free stuff. My love of free stuff started in college, when I learned how to survive on no money and free food at receptions. This love blossomed when I graduated and the law firm I worked at fed us free lunch (in retrospect, not so free) and had a happy hour on Friday nights that supplied me with enough food for the weekend. Don't get me started on the free stuff afforded me by grad school. (Although my dad was quick to point out that my 'free' ride around Manhattan on the Circle Line my first week of grad school was actually costing about $25,000 a year.) And then investment banking with all of its perks and other assorted jobs... ahh.... But the pinnacle was when I lived in New Zealand as a tourist and while living amongst the kindest people in the world who all had jobs in tourism, I was able to swim with the dolphins and sail and eat and drink for free while spending time with my friends while they worked. How cool is that?

Well, the free stuff movement has taken a new and different turn. What with, and now people who call themselves 'fregans.' I am not willing to go to the lengths of Fregangirl, but it's an interesting concept to see how you can make a small dent in our gluttonous, capitalistic, acquisitive world one small step at a time.

And for my part, I did finally put together my compost bin at my (not-so-new-anymore) house. In no time, I will have free dirt!!! Good stuff.


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