Cold as a ...

Well, you know how cold things can get. Let's just say that when I give the outdoor cat water now, it has to be scalding or it's frozen before he can get to it. And speaking of the outdoor cat, I'm renaming him again, I think. Now the name is Deco. As in Art Deco because his coloring is exactly symmetrical all over his body - black spots on both knees, small white patches on each flank, etc. He's a perfect little deco cat. And it sounds better than the other two names.
So how cold is it? It was -12 with the windchill this morning. I consider that cold. My glasses froze to my face when I walked into the building this morning. I went birding on the C&O Canal this weekend and even the birds were in short supply. Not really. We saw 27 species. My favorite was a Common Merganser. Very cool looking ducks and we did see the male and female (male has the green head, female the red head). Plus, we saw some Black Vultures, a Winter Wren, and some other cool stuff. I walked the next day down another trail I like because someone told me they'd seen a Barred Owl, but I didn't see it. Found the tree it's been spotted in, but no luck with the owl.
And here's the bacon highlight of the week: figs stuffed with blue cheese wrapped in bacon. Yummy! I had them at the Super Bowl party I went to and they were worth the trip. As were the yummy, homemade Buffalo wings. Delicious evening.
Now, I've got to finish work because in three days and less than four hours (who's counting?) I start a new job. Can't wait!
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